Saturday 28 February 2015

Happy New Month my People!

Happy new month my people!  I wish you all  more success in everything you are going to lay your hand upon this new month. May thy Lord bless you and give you rest of mind. Marching forward🙋

Friday 27 February 2015

Do you know Green pepper, tomatoes and pumpkin are fruits?

Most people categories some fruits as vegetables. Traditionally they classify vegetables as food that are eaten as part of a meal's main course and fruit as food that are eaten for dessert or as snack. Scientifically speaking, many of the foods we refer to as vegetables are actually fruits. Nutritionally, both of them are good for the body and aids in weight loss, some of the fruits are used in spas e.g cucumber and used for treatment and prevention of a lot of diseases.

This brings us to the difference between fruits and vegetables

  • Fruit is a matured ovary of a flower containing the seed. It's also a ripened reproductive body of a seed plant while vegetable is any of the various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root(beet) or the leaf( spinach) or the seeds (bean plants) or the flower buds (broccoli or cauliflower)
  • Fruits are mostly sweet and sometimes sour with bitter seeds, hardly can a vegetable be classified as sweet, sour or salty. It's usually savory and less sweet
  • Fruits contain more calories because of the high sugar content, most vegetables have low calories but starchy vegetables like beet and potato have higher calories
  •  A fruit must contain seed either inside(e.g paw paw) or outside (e.g strawberry) not all vegetables contain seed
  • Examples of fruits are Avocado, green, red and yellow pepper, tomatoes, cucumber, pea pods, pumpkin, olives, apples, banana and others and Examples of vegetables are Broccoli, potato, spinach, cauliflower and others

The importance of consuming Quail egg

Quail has you all know are small heavy-bodied large feeding game birds.Their eggs are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and it's highly nutritious.

Quail eggs increase brain activity and stabilise the nervous system. The eggs help to increase the level of haemoglobin in the body by removing toxins and heavy metals and also increase body metabolism.

Regular consumption of quail eggs helps fight against many diseases. They are a natural combatant against digestive tract disorders such as stomach ulcers. Quail eggs strengthen the immune system, promote memory health, increase brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. They help with anaemia by increasing the level of haemoglobin in the body while removing toxins and heavy metals.

The Chinese use quail eggs to help treat tuberculosis, asthma, and even diabetes. If you are a sufferer of kidney, liver, or gallbladder stones quail eggs can help prevent and remove these types of stones.

Miss  Yemisi Olowookere, A nutritionist in Garki Hospital, Abuja has said consumption of quail eggs helps to strengthen the immune system and promotes memory health. She also said eating quail eggs could, in addition to being beneficial to health, improve immune function, adding that they could also help to increase metabolism.

“Quail egg is of more benefit to men because the phosphorous contained in the eggs helps prostate health. The vitamins and proteins in quail eggs are also considered a sexual stimulant.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Rice generates N470b to Nigerian Economy - Dr Akinwumi Adesina(Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development)

As we all know in 2014, Dr Akinwumi Adesina,the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development had said that rice transformation programme of the present administration of Agricultural Transformation Agenda(ATA) which was launched in 2011 had added N320billion to our nation's economy.

On Thursday 26th of February 2015, at the signing of Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) between the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Alvan Blanch on the establishment of 26 paddy collection centres, Dr Akinwumi had said, Rice sub-sector has generated  about N470billion to the Nigerian Economy in the three and half years of implementation of the Rice Transformation Agenda.  He also said over the last three years that the Rice sub-sector in Nigeria has attracted over $2.6billion of the private sector investment.

While addressing a group of representatives from India, Dr Akinwumi Adesina said over 7 million metric tonnes of paddy rice have been produced and added to the domestic food supply.

Going down the milling sector, The Minister also said the Federal Executive Council had recently approved the procurance of 10 medium scale rice integrated mills which are to be located in the 10 states of Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Kaduna, Kebbi, Kogi, Niger, Ogun, and Zamfara. He stated that the integrated mill have the capacity to mill 360,000 metric tonnes, adding that it would scale up the total milling capacity of rice to 12 million metric tonnes.
The Minister added that the integrated mills would be located in the areas of high production of rice, and that the operation of the integrated mills would be driven by the private sector.

On the MoU signed with Alvan Blanch, the Minister said the firm would build 26 paddy bulky aggregation centres across the rice producing states, adding that the centres would allow farmers to store their paddy as well as make their produce to be competitive which was one of the primary aim of the administration.

He maintained that locally produced rice is more tasty, of high quality and highly competitive than foreign imported rice.

Lets Get Started!!!

You all are welcome to this blog.. its all about orienting us, getting more awareness, and rediscovering AGRICULTURE!!! Just as our forefathers laid this path, we shall continue to build on their foundation by   being the Innovative,Forward-thinking,Neo-Agriculturist. Agriculture is all about creativity and transformation..Our aim is to use this blog as a medium to transform our society and enlighten Individuals, Community and Organizations about the importance and the need to improve Agriculture in Nigeria.This blog will bring us the latest news and development in the Agriculture sector..With the special grace of God and with your help,our effort to Nigeria agriculture won't be effortless... Agriculture will continue to ACCELERATE...