Monday 9 March 2015

Pig as pet

I know the word " pig as pet " sounds funny to some people. It probably because they are unaware or they see pigs useful for only commercial purpose. Pigs are intelligent and can be trained to perform numerous tricks and task.

Pigs are social, charming, emotional, odour free, sensitive and easily bind with humans. Recently they have enjoyed the quality of being widely admired as house pet particularly the dwarf breed which is very sensitive and the pot bellied pig (PBP) the commonly used breed as pig pet. Pigs get attracted easily to humans, they will readily roll over for a tummy rub as well as snuggle with you. They don't bark, prowl the streets or spread rabies as compared to dogs..

While pigs are trainable and can learn at a faster rate than dogs, pig behaviour is far different from dog behaviour.As eager as a dog can be to please his master, a pig's respect,trust and cooperation must be earned. If the pig should have its way,you would be pleasing it. You cannot force a pig to do what it doesn't want to do, it has to be it's idea. Don't  expect your pig to jump on you and lick your face after coming from work..Having a pet pig is like having a two year old child.

Pigs are intelligent, smart and they can be manipulative, demanding, and stubborn. They can easily get bored, depressed, I'll tempered, aggressive and destructive if not given attention by a loving carer. ..Pigs are emotional and territorial. As with any other pet, it's important to teach your pig good manners, pigs love to learn tricks such as sitting, turning circles, shaking hands,retrieving objects and all others..They are capable of learning many behaviours and words, even full sentences like"sit" "be calm"..They appreciate and seek out human company.

The more interesting part is that pigs are inexpensive to care for, Firstly,  make sure you can easily reach your vertinary doctor incase it gets ill, if pigs are properly cared for, they don't easily get ill..
Secondly, pigs are omnivores, they practically feed on anything,  give your pet pig a supplementary feed to be healthy. The quality of feed depends on age, size, and activity level of the pig. Avoid feeding table - scraps to your pig pet. Your piggy ain't a garbage disposal.

Make sure your pig have their outdoor time because of their nature of rooting and digging, ensure you provide a properly secured yard outside with beddings and a overhead shelter to protect against rain and excessive sunshine.  You will need to "piggy proof" your house as you would do to any other pet, make sure your household cleansing products, medicines, aerosols, perfumes and other toxins are kept away from your pig's reach.
Pigs do not have sweat glands, so they will attempt to cool down by rolling in water or mum, so a wallow or a small Puddle should be provided for it to cool off.

It's high time you take a pig as a pet, I'm sure you won't regret it...


  1. Are they really as intelligent as dogs?

  2. Yes dear.. They are actually more intelligent than dogs just that they are stubborn. It all depends on the way you train them.

  3. Nice one! I'v never really thought of pigs as pets,its good to read this article but can pigs be social as dogs? Can we call pigs "social pets"

    1. Yes dear..They are as social as dogs, very friendly and loves to move and enjoy with humans.. A well trained pig can actually go to an outing with you.. All you need is to teach it good manners

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